¿¡El regreso de Daniel Craig y Adele en Bond 25?!
(Mirror informa) Barbara Broccoli, la productora de Bond, está decidida a que Adele canté el tema de Bond 25 después del gran éxito del tema de Skyfall (2012) canción ganadora de varios premios: un Brit Award, Grammy Award, Golden Globe, Oscar.
Si las negociaciones funcionan bien Daniel Craig filmará su quinta película como James Bond y Adele su segundo tema para el agente 007, tras los pasos de la mítica Shirley Bassey.
El dinero ha podido con el actor que afirmó preferiría cortar mis muñecas a ser 007 de nuevo.
Una fuente involucrada en el proyecto dijo: Craig y Adele juntos son el equipo ganador, la elección definitiva. Ha tomado tiempo, pero Daniel ha venido y el fuerte consenso en EON es que el Sr. Craig es 007 de nuevo. En cuanto a Adele, se desconoce cuánto dinero pedirá, pero le encantaría volver a poner su voz en otra película de Bond, por lo que los signos son positivos.
El guionista John Logan también se dice que está involucrado en el proyecto.
Mirror. Bond producer Barbara Broccoli is also determined that superstar singer Adele will record the theme tune after her Skyfall song earned her a Brit Award, Grammy Award and Golden Globe.
Daniel Craig has changed his mind and is set to sign up for his fifth Bond movie - with Adele lined up to join him.
The actor, 48, claimed he would rather slash my wrists than play 007 again but his U-turn came after a host of British stars were tipped to replace him.
The Wire star Idris Elba, Peaky Blinders Tom Hardy, Happy Valley villain James Norton and Poldark's Aidan Turner were all contenders.
But Bond producer Barbara Broccoli is said to have secured Craig - and we can reveal she is determined that superstar singer Adele will record the theme tune.
The partnership made 2012's Skyfall the most profitable Bond ever with takings of £885million.
Her song Skyfall was the first Bond theme to win at the Brit Awards, Grammy Awards and Golden Globes.
A source involved in the project said: Craig and Adele together are the winning team, the ultimate choice, the money spinners. It's taken time but Daniel has come round and the strong con-sensus in the Bond offices is that Mr Craig is 007 again. As for Adele, she's more of an unknown quantity but loved being part of Bond, so the signs are positive.
The insider said Craig's actress wife Rachel Weisz, 47, is on board with the decision for him to spend a year away filming.
Craig claimed in 2015 that if he did play the spy again it would be for the money. He was said to have been offered up to £120million for two more films. Skyfall and Spectre scriptwriter John Logan is also said to be involved in the project.