George Lazenby se retira


George Lazenby anuncia a sus 84 años de edad que se jubila del mundo del espectáculo. Su retiro de la vida pública será total: no actuará, no firmará autógrafos, no concederá entrevistas,para dedicarse a su familia. Lazenby fue James Bond en una sola ocasión en 007: Al servicio secreto de Su Majestad (On Her Majesty's Secret Service - Au service secret de Sa Majesté, 1969).  

George Lazenby announces at the age of 84 that he is retiring from the world of show business. His retirement from public life will be total: he will not act, sign autographs, or give interviews, in order to devote himself to his family. Lazenby was James Bond on only one occasion in On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969).